Your tone of voice is how you talk as a business and communicate to your customers
Giving your brand a tone of voice strengthens your business. It's an extension of your personality and sets you apart from the rest of the competition.
I can help create your brand tone of voice, ensuring a consistent language is used across all of your marketing collateral. With a thorough document to distribute to all members of staff, you'll help build a recognisable brand.
With guidance from your marketing team or senior managers, I'll establish the dos and don'ts of your brand, the words to use and not to use.
If you feel as though your business is lacking personality, I'll help establish one including a brand message to ensure all staff are working from the same page, to the same goals.
I'll create your key straplines and provide examples of how your business should communicate to your customers, making sure you don't alienate potential consumers with bad and inconsistent language.
I'll also provide guidance on how to write across different platforms, such as social media, blogs, websites and brochures. All need a different approach, from essential SEO skills to short and engaging copy.